With these words, I am pleased to present the new corporate website of Laboratorios BIO-DIS, reflecting the current situation of our company.
Most particularly, I would like this information to reach the growing collective of clients and potential clients, as well as our suppliers, collaborating companies and external services, partners, institutions, staff and friends, to share this detailed information with them while at the same time thanking them for the trust that they have placed in us for so long.
I would like to start by recalling a few details that influenced the very beginning of our business activities and the creation of our company. Accordingly, allow me to say that more than two decades ago, on one of my trips to the USA, I found that American society was highly switched on to the importance of having healthy lifestyle habits. I observed that, with frequent physical exercise and the positive effects of taking vitamins, food supplements and natural products, Americans enjoyed a good physical appearance, great skin tone and a lack of stress that seemed to make them happy.
These observations made me reflect and think that, with the passing of time, these same habits could reach Spain, so I began taking an interest in this sector. In 1992 and with the ideas already formed, my sister Conchita, my brother Javier and I decided to set up Laboratorios BIO-DIS, a first-generation family business.
In the beginning our work focused mainly on activities such as importing, distributing and selling herbal remedies, dietary products, food supplements and medicinal plants in Spain.
Over the years, we took a step further and began producing and packaging these products with their own brands: Nature Essential, Obire, and Nature Horizonts, JCA Sport Nutrition, which are all registered both in Spain and abroad. From there, we began exporting our brands, and we now have clients in more than 30 countries on four continents.
Every day we take new steps to professionalise our company further and honour the commitments made in our strategy plan, in which we will continue to move forward, enabling us to grow and for our products to meet the needs of an increasingly global market. At Laboratorios BIO-DIS we feel it’s essential to maintain our commitment to research, development and innovation to meet the varied demands of the market and the increased requirements in terms of quality that or clients expect.
If we look back we can feel a sense of satisfaction with how our company has evolved. Undoubtedly, these results are the consequence of the hard work and professional dedication of everyone working at Laboratorios BIO-DIS, to whom I would like to extend my most heartfelt thanks.
As of today, I can assure you that we are all ready and highly motivated to meet and surpass the new business challenges we’ll be facing head on.
Warm regards,
José María Cantarero de Artacho
Chairman / Managing Director
Me satisface presentar la nueva web corporativa de Laboratorios BIO-DIS, que refleja la situación actual de nuestra compañía y en particular me complace dirigirme a través de estas líneas a todo el colectivo de nuestros clientes, así como a nuestros proveedores, empresas colaboradoras y de servicios externos, partners, instituciones, empleados y amigos, para facilitarles información actualizada de nuestras actividades que les permita conocernos más y mejor.
Comenzaré recordando el origen de nuestra historia. En este sentido, deseo señalar que hace más de dos décadas, en uno de mis viajes a EE.UU., pude comprobar que una gran parte de la población norteamericana estaba muy concienciada de la importancia de tener hábitos de vida saludables. Observé que, con la práctica de ejercicio físico y los efectos positivos de la ingesta de vitaminas, complementos alimenticios y productos naturales, conseguían un tono vital elevado y ausencia de estrés que les proporcionaba felicidad.
Estos conocimientos me hicieron reflexionar y pensar que, con el paso del tiempo, estos mismos hábitos llegarían a España por lo que comencé a interesarme por este sector. En 1.992 y con las ideas ya preconcebidas, mis hermanos Javier, Conchita y yo, fundamos Laboratorios BIO-DIS, empresa familiar de primera generación.
Comenzamos nuestra actividad, realizando desde el principio, fundamentalmente las tareas de importación, distribución y comercialización a nivel nacional de productos de herboristería, dietéticos, de alimentación y plantas medicinales.
Más adelante y con el paso de los años iniciamos la actividad de fabricación y envasado de estos productos con marcas propias, registradas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional e iniciamos la actividad exportadora.
Aunque todavía nos falta por recorrer un largo camino, en Laboratorios BIO-DIS nos sentimos motivados y satisfechos por la evolución positiva que hemos experimentado en todos estos años y por el crecimiento gradual de todas las áreas de negocio con una repercusión positiva de los resultados. Sin duda el éxito alcanzado se debe al esfuerzo y dedicación de todo el equipo humano de nuestra empresa.
Jose María Cantarero